After filtering for fraud, appnexus transactions fell by 65 % – digiday

After filtering for fraud, appnexus transactions fell by 65 % - digiday understood what

“AppNexus has got the scale and mandate to resolve challenging the entire industry confronts,” AppNexus Chief executive officer John O’Kelley stated following the presentation. “We’re very proud to become out front about this.  We required sophisticated and aggressive measures that delivered markedly greater CPMs for publishers and increased view-through rate and publish-click conversions for advertisers.”

Williams said, CPMs didn’t suffer because advertisers are prepared to pay more for greater quality. Following the filters were employed, view-through rates also rose 75 %, while publish-click conversions surged 130 percent as due to. That’s what’s promising.

But her presentation sparked unease from senior ad tech executives and buyers in the crowd, and several took to Twitter to criticize AppNexus to be slow towards the accountability party.

Did Appnexus just admit to ripping off buyers during the last 8 years? #ATSL15

— Luke Fenney (@lukefenney) September 14, 2015

AppNexus just cut 65% of supply considered fraudulent. $2billion / year flows through pipe. $1.3 billion freed to visit where it belongs. #ATSL15

— Index Exchange (@IndexExchange) September 14, 2015

sorry however i don’t purchase it – @AppNexus moral decision speech. A co filled with vibrant individuals who understood what happening. Made a decision to ignore #ATSL15 — marco bertozzi (@m_bertozzi) September 14, 2015

After filtering for fraud, appnexus transactions fell by 65 % - digiday AppNexus moral

AppNexus data chief has been commendably transparent concerning the fraud on their own platform due straight to their business design #ATSL15 — Jordan Mitchell (@kickstand) September 14, 2015

#atsl15 Appnexus on center stage speaking about volume shedding 65% because of anti fraud steps…Why?@RubiconProject did this year’s ago!!

Resourse: kingdom/appnexus-filters-65-percent-impressions-fraudulent/
After filtering for fraud, appnexus transactions fell by 65 % - digiday atsl15 Appnexus on