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Former American Spy: Vladimir Putin Just 'Trolled' Trump Over 2016 Hacks | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
fumanxxx: Wow. Donny's supporters don't know how to determine fake news versus pundit opinion. How surprising. \nMeanwhile, no wall, no jobs, no coal, no ACA repeal. \n\nPretty soon they'll forget they supported Donny, just as they did with GWB.
Samantha W: Trump is so out of his league when up against a seasoned statesman like Putin.
omi god: Remember when the Republican party was the party of patriots? Now it's the party of whack jobs, quislings and outright traitors. Good job, guys. Well done. You've turned the Republicans into the National Enquirer party.
Jp L: fat traitor Trump. all the bots in the world can't save the Republican party as they're trying to below.. using Russia to win was the death note of the traitor Republicans
alex Celaya: Fox news is the real fake news !
Cesar Alvarado: James Comey: "We're here because a foreign adversary attacked us right here at home, plain and simple, not by guns or missiles, but by foreign operatives seeking to hijack our most important democratic process—our presidential election. Russian spies engaged in a series of online cyber raids and a broad campaign of disinformation, all ultimately aimed at sowing chaos to us to undermine public faith in our process, in our leadership and ultimately in ourselves."
Quang B: The sad part is, Donald Chump would reveal the evidence if not stopped!
Susan Bodell: Republicans actually believe Trump. lol.
Dumbass Libtard: This channel has a death wish I swear. I guess the death of cnn has taught no lesson. Libtrash logic.